Hello Friend,
My life’s journey has led me to one simple truth: God is good. Good – such a small word with such great implications. It hardly seems like enough. Too simple. Too incomplete. It took me almost four decades on this earth and a life-altering medical diagnosis to say it and mean it – God is good. A declaration that wasn’t easily reached, and one that isn’t based simply on my life’s good circumstances. In fact, the realization was borne out of the depths of some of the hardest years of my life. With a diagnosis of Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome at the age of 33, God is literally holding me together. This rare, incurable, untreatable syndrome threatens my organs, arteries, and anything in my body made of connective tissue to the point of rupture. VEDS has taken many things from me, but it will not steal my joy or confident trust in a GOOD God. I want to intentionally look backward to God’s faithfulness and forward with hopefulness, all the while leaning on the One who holds my future. - 15 surgeries? God is good. - Infertility and loss? God is good. - Aneurysms? God is good. - Shortened life expectancy? God is good. Wherever you are in your life’s script, I pray you’ll find the strength to proclaim those three little words: God is good. They may be the hardest words you’ve ever had to utter for your broken body, your broken heart, and in this broken world. If we take everything that we know about God and trace it back to His goodness, we can endure the painful and uncertain chapters of our stories. The fruit of knowing God’s goodness, and His salvation in Jesus Christ alone, is peace. Joy. Hope. Gratitude. Strength. I promise – but more importantly, God promises. My hope for my writing is to leave a legacy for my family by 1) proclaiming God’s goodness – in life’s obvious sweet moments, but especially in our most difficult days and 2) leading women in all stages of life to say with confidence, “Oh, HIS goodness!” Thanks for finding me here at Oh His Goodness! Whether you’re facing daily trials or life-changing circumstances, I pray you’ll join me in discovering God’s goodness. It’s everywhere; we just have to look for it. Declare it. Embrace it. Respond to it. Rest in it. God is good.

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble. Psalm 107:1-2 ESV
The LORD is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made. Psalm 145:9 ESV
What you’ll
find here…
Honesty about suffering and real talk about pain
Encouragement and practical applications to help you cling for dear life to God’s goodness
Absolute reliance on the inerrant Word of God to help you cope with suffering
Clasping our hands together as we learn to comfort those who are hurting
Extending our open hands to God’s presence, compassion and sufficiency in our pain
Grace to try again when we get it wrong
Hope while facing life’s impossible in your family life, friendships and faith
Knowing that life is short, focusing on legacy living and saying “yes” to small, meaningful moments
Permission to nap. We like naps around here.
What you
won’t find…
Ignoring your suffering or rushing you through your grief and pain
Easy answers and quick fixes
Pat Christian responses to your pain – “Everything happens for a reason.” “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”
Self-reliant “pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps” Christianity
Discouragement when we relearn the same lessons
Medical advice or get-well gimmicks - Our work here is on our souls – investing in the truth of God’s goodness, while simultaneously accepting that our outward selves and circumstances are part of our fallen world.